Expo Caninas Ponte de Lima 2023
Irina war wieder erfolgreich in Portugal:
International Dog show 30/04/202323 Expo Caninas Ponte de Lima.
Mit ihrer „Rokland Diadema“ (Kilda) in der offenen Klasse
🏆 Vorzüglich 1; CAC; CACIB; Best Opposite Sex.
Mit ihrem „Amazing Adrian vom Limespark“ ( Adrian) in der Jugend-Klasse
🏆 Vorzüglich 1; JCAC; CACIB-J; und Best of Breed 🏆.
Herzliche Gratulation ♥️🐾🐾♥️🐾🐾🥰.
Irina was successful again in Portugal:
International Dog show 30/04/202323 Expo Caninas Ponte de Lima.
With her „Rokland Diadema“ (Kilda) in the open class
🏆 Excellent 1; CAC; CACIB; Best Opposite Sex.
With her „Amazing Adrian vom Limespark“ ( Adrian) in the junior class
🏆 Excellent 1; JCAC; CACIB-J; and Best of Breed 🏆.
Congratulations ♥️🐾🐾♥️🐾🐾 .
Irina was successful again in Portugal:
International Dog show 30/04/202323 Expo Caninas Ponte de Lima.
With her „Rokland Diadema“ (Kilda)
🏆 Excellent 1; CAC; CACIB; Best Opposite Sex.
With her „Amazing Adrian vom Limespark“ ( Adrian)
🏆 Excellent 1; JCAC; CACIB-J; and Best of Breed 🏆.
Congratulations ♥️🐾🐾♥️🐾🐾 .